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Catching up with Studio J

Recently, I finished a batch of Studio J layouts and today I’m going to share the first two which are from the summer of 2001. I can’t believe it has been over 10 years already! We had just gotten our first digital camera (which weighed a ton compared to today’s models) and were excited to take lots of pictures.

Do you have files of digital pictures that need to be organized? Wouldn’t it be great to have them in a scrapbook to tell their story for years to come? Studio J is a great way to start getting caught up! Just pick one event and start creating.

I’m so excited to finally have the “Meet the Family Weekend” pictures below scrapped. We road tripped all the way to Cincinnati with my husband’s parent and brothers and their families to visit his Grandpa. We also got to see his uncle, cousin and other family members. It was great to have everyone in one place. So of course, we set up our tripod and took some pictures.

Studio J – Kit: Lucky, Pattern: Front and Center (rotated)

I love that the pictures show how dirty and sweaty the kids were from playing hard on a hot July day. The Lucky kit is perfect for this backyard reunion.

If you look closely, you may notice some strategically placed items to cover the annoying red date stamp on the photos.

Strategically placed text box!


The second layout shows pictures from a quick trip we made to Seattle to meet my husband who was traveling for work.

Studio J – Kit: Majestic Blue, Pattern: Fab Fifteen

For those of you that like to fit a lot of pictures on a page, this pattern is great. I was able to fit 15 on these two pages! Online scrapbooking allows you to shrink down, blow up, or crop pictures as you go rather than be stuck with the size you printed. My layout turned out looking a little busy, but that is fitting because it was a rather busy weekend.


Interested in trying Studio J?

You can set up an account and start making layouts for free! Just click here to get started.

If you like Studio J as much as I think you will, you can purchase either a membership or a 5-pack (click here) to get prints of your projects.

Studio J Membership Plans

12-Month Membership  $99

3-Month Membership    $30

Member pricing on a 2-page layout is only $6.50 (or $3.25 per page). Along with beautiful 12″ x 12″ prints, you will receive free JPG files, free shipping and handling (limits apply) and Memory Protectors.

Studio J 5-Packs (GREAT GIFT IDEA!)

5-Pack                           $55

Includes 5 two-page layout prints, 5 Memory Protectors and free shipping and handling.

Please emailme if you have any questions.

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Studio J Photo Tips

Even if you are an experienced Studio J scrapper, you will learn some cool tips on this video. My favorite was combining two photo wells into one to fit a larger photo. I also like that you can convert a text box into a photo well. I’m always trying to fit more pictures onto my layouts.

If you are ready to try your hand at Studio J, follow this link, to set up a free account and create your first layout! I’d love to talk with you if you have any questions about Studio J. Just drop me an email!

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Studio J: Now that’s fast!

Have you tried Studio J online scrapbooking yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Watch this video to see how quickly you can create a beautiful layout using this system. Yes, it really is that easy!

If you are interested in trying for yourself, click here to set up your account and start creating. No purchase is necessary to get started. Give it a try: I think you will like it. If you do, drop me an emailto discuss your options for ordering prints.

Have fun creating!

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Studio J – My Happy Place!

My first “real” blog is about one of my new favorite scrapbook products, Studio J. When I heard that Close To My Heart had an online scrapbooking product, I was not very interested. I’ve done some digital scrapbooking (using Paint Shop Pro) and created bound books on photo websites. I was not expecting this to be any different than what I have seen elsewhere.

After becoming a consultant, I thought I should at least try out Studio J — just in case someone asks me about it. Since this is a “try before you buy” product, so I logged on one morning when I had an extra half hour to burn. In less than 30 minutes, I created these two complete layouts!

The intuitive step-by-step process makes it so much fun! I simply chose from many beautiful paper kits and layout patterns. Then I personalized my layouts with embellishments and Stickease. There are many choices, but the presets make it easy to decide what will work the best for my pictures.

Here are a few more layouts I’ve made in Studio J:

If this makes you want to try your hand, just click on the Studio J link on the left. You can create as many layouts as you want with no stings attached. If you like what you create, you can purchase 12×12 prints.  There are several options for purchasing and I’d be happy to help you determine which is the right one for you.

Have fun!